Thursday, October 07, 2004

Should 4+1Views based Architecture be a standard for High Level Design documents

The template and details are at:

"To describe a software architecture, we use a model composed of multiple views or perspectives. In order to eventually address large and challenging architectures, the model we propose is made up of five main views

  • The logical view, which is the object model of the design (when an object-oriented design method isused),
  • the process view, which captures the concurrency, availability, performance and synchronization aspects of the design,
  • the physical view, which describes the mapping(s) of the software onto the hardware and reflects its distributed aspect,
  • the development view, which describes the static organization of the software in its development environment.
  • The description of an architecture—the decisions made—can be organized around these four views, and then illustrated by a few selected use cases, or scenarios which become a fifth view."

Thanks to the Author - Philippe Kruchten - and IEEE for this invaluable experience paper.

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